Midwest Moxie’s Podcast interview with Professor Lan Yang

Prof. Lan Yang shared her story and entrepreneurial journey in Midwest Moxie’s Podcast show–“Applying nano-optics to ultrasound: Lan Yang“, hosted by Kathleen Gallagher, who is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and the executive director of 5 Lakes Institute. The Midwest Moxie Podcast aims to showcase company founders in the Midwest and Great Lakes regions, offering inspiration and […]

Seven faculty inducted as AIMBE fellows

Seven Washington University in St. Louis faculty members have been named Fellows of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE), joining 23 existing fellows at Washington University. The new fellows are among 162 colleagues inducted March 25 in Arlington, Va.  Election to AIMBE’s College of Fellows is limited to the top 2% of […]

Yang named 2020 AAAS fellow

Seven faculty members at Washington University in St. Louis are among 489 new fellows selected by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the world’s largest general scientific society

A one-way street for acoustic waves

Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis and Harvard University have developed a non-reciprocal device for acoustic waves that could be used in next-generation wireless communication and quantum computing

Yang named 2020 IEEE Fellow

Lan Yang, the Edwin H. & Florence G. Skinner Professor in the McKelvey School of Engineering , has been named an IEEE Fellow

The Discoverer: Lan Yang

WashU Women Innovate: At 14, inspired by stories of world-changing science and new technologies, Lan Yang was so committed to becoming a scientist, she went on a hunger strike

Our work on microlasers for ultra-sensitive sensing appeared on the June 26 edition of Nature Nanotechnology’s advanced online publication.

Our work on microlasers for ultra-sensitive sensing appeared on the June 26 edition of Nature Nanotechnology’s advanced online publication. Split of lasing modes generated in a high-quality micro-laser for sensing: Press release on our microlasers Photos of our microlasers fabricated on a silicon wafer. The glass doped with rare-earth optical gain media is synthesized and processed […]

Press release on our single particle sensing work

Other websites that report our work on single particle sensing and sizing:   Physics NewsScience DailyR&D MagazinePhysorg.comPhotonics.comPOPSCIScienceBlogScientific BloggingEurekAlert!Technology Review (published by MIT)RedOrbit Knowledge NetworkGenetic Engineering & Biotechnology News

We have two posters* presented at the 1st Symposium on Nanotechnology for Public Health, Environment, and Energy at Washington University.

We have two posters* presented at the 1st Symposium on Nanotechnology for Public Health, Environment, and Energy at Washington University. *Single Nanoparticle Detection by Mode Splitting in Ultra-High-Q Microtoroid, Jiangang Zhu, Sahin Kaya Ozdemir, Yun-Feng Xiao, Lin Li, Lina He, Da-Ren Chen and Lan Yang (ESE/EECE, WUSTL) *Whispering Gallery Mode Biosensors, Michael Zakrewsky, Sahin Ozdemir, and Lan […]