We have two posters* presented at the 1st Symposium on Nanotechnology for Public Health, Environment, and Energy at Washington University.
*Single Nanoparticle Detection by Mode Splitting in Ultra-High-Q Microtoroid, Jiangang Zhu, Sahin Kaya Ozdemir, Yun-Feng Xiao, Lin Li, Lina He, Da-Ren Chen and Lan Yang (ESE/EECE, WUSTL)
*Whispering Gallery Mode Biosensors, Michael Zakrewsky, Sahin Ozdemir, and Lan Yang (National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network-Nano Research Facility , WUSTL)
Note: Michael Zakrewsky, an undergraduate student from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, received support from NNIN program and worked in our lab in the summer of 2009.